LLC Annual Report Scam (Maine)

Well, it’s that time of year — time for a scam for filing Annual Reports in Maine.

All LLCs in Maine are required to file an Annual Report every year and do have to pay the state $85. The report is due by June, but usually we file by March for most clients.

But for the past couple of years, my clients are receiving official looking notices from a company called CPFS that look like they must be completed right away. The company charges $185 to file the Annual Report for you! So an additional $100!

This year’s form says “2021 — Annual Report Instruction Form" and is requesting $185 to file their annual report. The notice makes it seem like a legitimate — if not THE only — way to file your Annual Report for the state of Maine.

Don't fall for this!

You can file it yourself or have your bookkeeper do it for you! (I do it for many of my clients!)

It shouldn't cost $100! And months early to boot!

Stay safe and scam-free!